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Current Offers

Since January 2020, our services in the modules singing, speech train­ing and presenting have been offered in various formats in the vocal room PerSona.

You can find the current offers in the event programmes of in-house continuing education as well as Department of Academic Teaching & Faculty Development.  You will find us at the Centre for Higher Education (zhb).

For students, the offer is at present limited to singing together.

Currently this is possible in the Uni­ver­sity Choir as well as in an open singing that takes place in  Lernwerkstatt Fun2Teach. A beginners' choir for inexperienced singers is being planned.

Train­ing programme for a strong on­line presence

The switch to di­gi­tal formats is a challenge for everyone. In addition to familiarisation with media-didactic concepts and the selection of suitable on­line tools, individual use of voice must also be adapted to the expanded di­gi­tal com­mu­ni­cation.

Online teaching should not sound monotonous, but lively. The speech at the web con­fe­rence should convey sovereignty and competence. On the other hand, the increased speaking in front of the PC can be very tiring for the voice and thus ultimately have a damaging effect.

That's why it's not only im­por­tant to deal with your own voice when you have voice problems. Heinke Kirzinger, the voice teacher and head of PerSona, the vocal room at TU Dort­mund Uni­ver­sity, has put together ten exercises that will help you to strengthen your voice and perform your tasks on­line (video only available in German lan­guage).

If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact Ms Kirzinger via the ZHB.


Der Unichor in Corona-Zeiten

Heinke Kirzinger conducts a choir rehearsal via video conference © Martina Hengesbach​/​TU Dortmund

Corona und das digitale Semester stellen den Unichor vor besondere Herausforderungen. Die Chorproben finden nun - meist nach Stimmgruppen getrennt - per Videokonferenz statt. Anders - aber doch gemeinsam!

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