Greetings from the Director
Dear Reader,
The Centre for Higher Education (zhb) is a unique institution in the German Higher Education System that combines research and service in one university center. In addition to the four professorships, there are six divisions that are closely linked to the research activities of the professorships. The zhb was founded in 2011 from the merger of several central academic institutions at TU Dortmund University, to which further divisions were added in 2013, 2020, and 2024.
The following research topics exist:
Prof. Dr. Liudvika Leišytė's Professorship of Higher Education conducts research on professional identity, academic entrepreneurship and higher education governance and management.
Prof. Dr. Jens Rowold's Professorship of Human Resource Development and Change Management conducts research on topics such as leadership and leadership styles, human resource development and organizational health.
Since October 2021, Prof. Dr. Johann Pongratz complements the zhb research portfolio with his professorship Complex IT Systems and Digital Infrastructures.
And at my Professorship of Organizational Studies and Management of Continuing Education, the topics of higher education research (including governance of teaching and continuing education) and organizational research (including knowledge transfer and special types of organizations) are dealt with.
The service is organized in the following five areas:
Division of Disability and Studies – DoBuS
DoBuS, under the direction of Dr Carsten Bender, is the oldest and certainly the most renowned division in the German Higher Education System that has developed and implemented concepts for the comprehensive support of impaired students (but also lecturers). The work of DoBuS has been awarded several prizes, including the Zero Project Award.
Division of Foreign Languages
All teaching in foreign languages at TU Dortmund University takes place in this area, which is headed by Dr Meni Syrou. Every year, almost 7,000 students study one of the 14 modern foreign languages offered here, German as a foreign language or Latin. Students can also learn German sign language or practice academic writing and presentation skills (for German and English) in a writing space.
Division of Academic Teaching & Faculty Development
In the area of university didactics, which is headed by Dr Katrin Stolz, the „Start in Teaching“ takes place for all new teachers. In addition to this classic introduction to the design of courses, a certificate course in higher education didactics is offered, as well as many other current events. In addition, the topics of digitalization of teaching and e-examinations have become very important and topical.
Division of Statistical Consulting and Analysis – SBAZ
Since 2020, the Division of Statistical Consulting and Analysis (SBAZ), headed by Dr Swetlana Herbrandt, has also been part of the zhb. All students and employees of TU Dortmund University can get statistical advice for their theses or projects here. Statistical support for projects is also offered for external clients.
Division of Continuing Education
This division, headed by Dr Jörg Teichert, is responsible for continuing academic education at TU Dortmund University. The current focus is primarily on the fields of teacher and head teacher training (e.g. 'Digital Learning Leadership' and 'Leadership and Teamwork in Schools') and additional qualification in statistics ('Machine Learning in Data Science').
In addition, the University Choir, directed by Heinke Kirzinger, also has its home at the zhb. Offers for personal voice training can also be found here.
During the merger process, we gave ourselves the following vision:
„We are proud to move the frontiers of higher education by practicing excellent research and services, embracing diversity and open-mindedness.“
We try to live this vision every day.
We would be pleased if you contact us directy if you have any questions.
Prof. Dr. Uwe Wilkesmann
Director zhb