Professorship "Complex IT Systems and Digital Infrastructures"
Prof. Dr. Johann Pongratz
Prof. Dr. Johann Pongratz, called Hans, is the Technical Managing Director (CIO) of the Stiftung für Hochschulzulassung (SfH) and Professor for Complex IT Systems and Digital Infrastructures at the zhb of TU Dortmund University since October 1, 2021.

Research topics
- Complex IT systems (architectures, governance, management)
- Digital infrastructures (operations, standardization, technologies)
- Large-scale data analytics
Current focus areas include verifiable credentials and blockchains and their interoperability.
Current research project
- 11/01/2020 to 12/31/2022: „Digitale Bildungsnachweise für Hochschulen (DiBiHo)“, (Digital Credentials for Higher Education Institutions),, BMBF-funding code M534800, Total funding 1.94 Mio. €
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